Knowledge Showcases VHL Colombia
To consult the knowledge showcase, click on the image below.
Personas libres e informadas: sexualidad, derechos sexuales y reproductivos
Este espacio virtual proporciona información, orientaciones técnicas y herramientas que promueven la educación en sexualidad, derechos sexuales, derechos reproductivos, salud materna y neonatal. Estos elementos son fundamentales para el desarrollo de una identidad con autonomía y libertad, fomentando la vivencia plena de la sexualidad sin discriminación ni riesgos.
Es una estrategia de la OPS/OMS en Colombia para reflexionar y actuar de manera decidida en todos los entornos del cuidado, para proteger, promocionar y atender en un marco de derechos la salud mental de todos los ciudadanos.
¡CUIDAR, nos da un horizonte de sentido y propósito como ciudadanos del mundo!
Toolbox for a comprehensive for a comprehensive approach to the use of psychoactive substances (PAS)
The toolbox for a comprehensive approach to the use of psychoactive substances is a space dedicated to those people who personally have been or are exposed to the use of psychoactive substances (PAS). It is also aimed at those people in the community, families, schools, universities, neighborhoods and social groups that require practical tools that contribute to the mitigation and prevention of PAS use in their social circle.
This mental health space focused on the development of life skills and psychosocial well-being, is designed for each person who requires information to promote personal development, which is easy to understand, therefore it has tools that are easy to understand and apply in everyday life, also the activities with a holistic approach allow the integration of mind, body and spirit, forming communities with psychological well-being and life skills for better mental health.
Selected and organized material that will help guide you in the process of planning, identifying responsibilities and designing activities for the implementation of the SDGs in your institution.
Wellness for all PYPAPS
"Promotion and Prevention in Primary Health Care".
This is a space designed for you and your community, it has easy to read and understand content to make the information a tool for you and me to participate in the creation of healthy communities and people.
It focuses on six populations of national interest: Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Groups, Victims of Armed Conflict, Gender, Sexual Orientation and Identity, and Persons with Disabilities.
SMAPS Toolbox
Given the increase in mixed migratory flows to the country, and their undoubted impact on the mental health of the individuals, families and communities involved, with emotional and adaptive consequences, it is important to provide adequate Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS).
Patient Pathway in the emergency department for effective clinical management
This virtual tool allows you to develop a process of self-management and planning of the supply of services for emergency care. In this tool you will find all the variables that can modify the outcome of the quality of care.