Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS Tel: 4375400 Ext. 5127 Carrera 54 No.67A - 80 Dario Cadena Rey Library 2022 - All rights reserved.
National Advisory Committee
The Consultative Committee is the support body for making political and quality decisions for the VHL Colombia. It is made up of representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, cooperating centers and users of information represented by scientific societies (producers, intermediaries, users of health information), representing and giving authority to the National VHL.
To advise the VHL Colombia in the proper exercise of the strategy and model of health information and knowledge management for Latin America and the Caribbean, supervising its performance, in order to ensure the quality and equitable access to scientific health knowledge in the region.
Participating Institutions
Matrix Responsibilities National Advisory Committee
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