Health Information Producers
LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) is a regional database that establishes the bibliographic control of the scientific and technical literature in Health Sciences, published in the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region.
The mission of LILACS is to give visibility and access to the quality scientific and technical production produced in Latin America and the Caribbean and to provide scientific evidence contextualized to the local reality for decision making in health in the Region.
To be part of the database you must take into account the following criteria:
Journal Selection and Permanence Criteria (2020)
* To submit your publication, please contact the LILACS Coordination in your country.

The National Database COLNAL (Colombia Nacional) contains the bibliographic records published by the network of cooperators in Colombia, created with the purpose of having inclusive quality criteria to give visibility and manage the country's scientific health information.
To be part of the database you must take into account the following criteria:
* For more information, please contact the VHL Country Coordinating Office.