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Colombia Health Bulletins

In this section you can find relevant information on health promotion, prevention, development and services programs offered by health information producing entities in the country.

  • The Biweekly National Epidemiological Report (IQEN) is a publication of the National Institute of Health of Colombia whose main purpose is to disseminate works that contribute to the broadening of knowledge in epidemiology and public health. The IQEN mainly publishes short papers (less than 15 pages) in Spanish, mainly outbreak studies, other field studies (field trials and community trials); articles and final reports of epidemiological investigations (descriptive, prevalence, case-control, cohort, experimental and ecological studies, among others) and evaluations of surveillance systems. Consult here
  • The objective of the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin - BES is to update and disseminate the epidemiological behavior of public health events of interest in the country and to inform about changes in the territorial entities, promoting general access to information. Consult here

The REN (National Epidemiological Report) is a publication of the National Institute of Health that aims to disseminate the results of epidemiological field research related to outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics and public health emergencies, contributing to the management of knowledge in field epidemiology and public health. Click here.

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