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Selection Committee

It is the support body in the selection processes of the VHL Colombia, in charge of promoting and assuring the quality of the health literature produced in the country, which will be indexed in the most important and comprehensive index of scientific and technical literature on health in Latin America and the Caribbean - LILACS. Consisting of peer reviewers, defined as such according to the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia - COLCIENCIAS. COLCIENCIAS.

Presentation of the Selection Committee

The members of the selection committee are arranged in alphabetical order.

Bertha Carolina Castañeda Guerrero

Pharmaceutical chemist. Master in Health Administration. Master in Clinical Epidemiology. Doctor in Public Health (c). Experience in planning, execution and evaluation of research projects, evaluation of health technologies, and participation in research groups. Experience in planning, programming, implementation and evaluation of administrative activities in medical institutions and pharmaceutical services.

Specialties: Epidemiology, Health Technology Assessment, Public Health.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4264-9476.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Carolina Vargas Porras

UIS Nurse, Master in Maternal and Perinatal Nursing, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. COLCIENCIAS Researcher, Associate Professor, Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Specialties: Maternal Perinatal.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5996-8732.
Link: CVLAc - curriculum

Dolly Orfilia Arias Torres

Nurse, Master in Education and Community Development, Doctor in Health Sciences - National School of Public Health of Cuba and Post-Doctor in Collective Health - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Full Time Professor at Universidad Surcolombiana-USCO of Neiva. Board Director of the National Association of Nurses of Colombia-ANEC and University Professors-ASPU, Huila Chapter. Former representative, by popular election, to the Academic and Superior Councils of the USCO, currently Coordinator of the Doctorate in Health Sciences and the Research Group "Cuidar". Undergraduate and graduate research professor; with extensive experience in community health, public health and qualitative research. Academic peer of Colciencias and the Ministry of National Education.

Specialties: Health Care Sciences and Services, Nursing, Public Health Policy and Public Health.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4409-2424.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Fabio Alberto Camargo-Figuera

Nurse, Master in Epidemiology and Doctor in Epidemiology. Relationship: Assistant Professor of the School of Nursing, Universidad Industrial de Santander. Director of the School of Nursing UIS Period 2017-2019.

Specialties: Nursing, Epidemiology.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6070-9327.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Gloria Elena Lastre Amell

Professor and Associate Professor, with experience in the clinical, teaching and research area, leader of the Nursing Care group, classified in Colciencias in category B. of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, and researcher of the Health and Life Care group, of the Universidad Metropolitana, professor and advisor of undergraduate and master's degree research design. Peer evaluator in scientific events, journals, research work, among others. I am able to interpret and analyze local, regional and national health problems, and from them propose and implement strategies and projects aimed at improving the quality of life and interaction with other professionals. Values: loyalty, discipline, organization, leadership, great capacity for teamwork and learning, responsibility, commitment, loyalty.

Specialties: Nurse. Master in Public Health. Specialist in health auditing. Leader of the nursing care group. Research professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar and Universidad Metropolitana de Barranquilla- Colombia.
ORCID: 0000-0002- 8855-3931.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Gustavo Alonso Cabrera Arana

On-line course: Road Safety Legislation. World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University/IIRU 2017. Diploma: Road Risk in Developing Countries. Bloomberg School of Public Health JHU/IIRU 2014. Internships at Harvard, J.Hopkins, Columbia, Michigan, N.Carolina, IIHS and TRB of USA 2010-2014. Doutor Saúde Pública. Faculdade de Saúde Pública Universidade de São Paulo-Bra 1999. Diploma in Health Management. National School of Public Health FIOCRUZ RJ-Bra 1999. Specialist in Health Promotion. School of Public Health USP SP-Bra 1998. Master in Public Health. School of Public Health UniValle-Col 1995. Rehabilitator. Catholic University of Manizales-Col 1988.

Specialties: Public Health, Safe Mobility, Theories and Models in Health.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3819-9185.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Johanna Trujillo Diaz

D. student in Strategic Planning and Technology Management. Master in Industrial Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Industrial Engineer from Universidad Católica de Colombia. He has directed research projects and published relevant articles with a great scientific contribution to the state of the art, along with its application in case studies in the real sector, for Measurement, Statistical Analysis, process control and decision making in organizations, especially in transportation for the Supply Chain, using techniques of Simulation, Multicriteria, Routing, Data Mining and business intelligence. He has been a Consultant and has worked as Administrative and Financial Director for Control SIA Ltda, Assistant Manager HR Head Quare for Samsung Electronics Colombia S.A. (SAMCOL), University Professional for Hospital Occidente de Kennedy E.S.E. and Administrative and Financial Coordinator for Gishi Motors Nissan Ltda.

Specialty: Public health.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6243-6393.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Juan Carlos Garcia Ubaque

Surgeon, Doctor in Public Health, Master in Public Health, Specialist in Hospital Management and Specialist in Occupational Health. Senior Researcher Colciencias. With professional experience of more than twenty-five years, both in the public and private sector developing teaching, research and professional functions in the field of health, university teaching and research. With particular interest in aspects related to the development and implementation of public policies and financing of health systems, as well as the management of hospital services, health promotion in the workplace and environmental health.

Specialties: Public health.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5329-4549.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Marcela America Roa Cubaque

Master in diagnosis and treatment of smoking, University of Barcelona Spain; specialist in epidemiology, University of Boyacá; professional in Respiratory Therapy, University of Boyacá. Junior Researcher, Colciencias classification 2016 -2017, Director of Postgraduate Programs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Basic Sciences Department.

Specialties: Chronic Noncommunicable Conditions, Health Care Systems and Services.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1481-211X.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

María Elena Mejía Rojas

Doctor in Nursing Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master in Maternal and Child Nursing, Specialist in Maternal and Perinatal Nursing Universidad del Valle, Director of the Academic Nursing Program Universidad del Valle. Director of the Nursing Care Research Group. Coordinator of Specialization in Oncology Nursing Universidad del Valle; National Coordinator of the Network of Nurses with doctoral training. With experience in Obstetric, clinical and community nursing; management of health personnel; design, implementation and evaluation of organizational, academic and research programs and projects in health; university teaching in nursing, administration and coordination of private delivery rooms, women's health; consultancies in maternal health programs; experience in interdisciplinary and team work; basic use of computer systems and English as working tools; reflective and critical thinking; recognition of the importance of communication and dialogue and plurality of thought; continuous learning and leadership development. Magistrate of the Departmental Nursing Ethics Tribunal, Southwestern Region of Colombia.

Specialties: Nurse Perinatologist.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7798-0017.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Rogério César Fermino

Ph.D., is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR). His undergraduate degree was in Physical Education (2002), he obtained his MSc in Sports Sciences (2007) and his Ph.D. in Physical Activity and Health (2012).

Specialties: Physical activity and public health.
Link: Lattes - curriculum

Santiago Ramos Bermudez

Bachelor's degree in physical education, master's degree in sports training with mention in athletics. University research professor since 1982 at undergraduate, specialization and master's level in 8 Colombian universities. Researcher COLCIENCIAS Associate category. COLCIENCIAS peer evaluator. Leader Cumanday Group leader of physical activity and sport. Linked to the Department of Human Physical Action, Universidad de Caldas in Manizales, Colombia. Author of 5 books and more than 50 articles. Speaker in academic events worldwide. Teaching fields: athletics, sports training, athlete training, talent detection, endurance sports. Sports manager. Athletics and triathlon coach.

Specialties: Sports, Athletics, Athletic Training and Cineanthropometry.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

Shirley Paola Fernández Aragón

Nurse, specialist in quality management and health auditing, candidate for a master's degree in nursing with emphasis on collective health at the University of Cartagena. Research Professor at the Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, member of the research group GISIBEC, where she has developed different projects focused on the discipline of nursing, care, care management and social skills. Professor of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Cartagena, managing the area of care management. She has been a reviewer of different articles in different journals in her area.

Specialties: Nurse, Specialist in quality management and auditing in health, Candidate for master's degree in nursing with emphasis in health to the collectives of the University of Cartagena.
Link: CvLAC - curriculum

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